
Big Cypress National Preserve
Photo: NPS.

Strategies for planning can include:

  • Identify and map high priority areas for conservation using information such as species distributions (current and projected), habitat classification, land cover, and geophysical settings (including areas of rapid change and slow change).
  • Identify and prioritize areas currently experiencing rapid climate impacts (e.g., coastal areas).
  • Assess and prioritize critical connectivity gaps and needs across current conservation areas, including areas likely to serve as refugia in a changing climate.
  • Incorporate climate change considerations into new and future revisions of species and area management plans using the best available science regarding projected climate changes and trends, vulnerability and risk assessments, scenario planning, and other appropriate tools as necessary.
  • Identify species and habitats particularly vulnerable to transition under climate change (e.g., wetlands, cool-water to warm-water fisheries, or cool season to warm season grasslands) and develop management strategies and approaches for adaptation.
  • Develop strategic protection, retreat, and abandonment plans for areas currently experiencing rapid climate change impacts.
  • Increase planning phase of restoration activities to buffer against years with unfavorable conditions.
  • Include invasive species prevention strategies in all plans/projects.