Altered Species Fitness, Survival, and Risk of Extinction
Temperature and moisture availability are predicted to change, which can directly or indirectly affect species. As temperature or moisture variables reach or exceed species’ tolerance levels, species may have reduced reproductive success, recruitment, and lifespan. Increased levels of stress may cause some species to be more susceptible to disease and pests. Increased mortality may occur in sensitive species or in areas experiencing more extreme climatic changes.
Species that have limited ranges or dispersal ability, specialized habitat requirements, small populations and/or low genetic diversity are typically the most vulnerable to extinction. As environmental conditions change, these species may not be able to adapt and survive. Species with extensive ranges, long-range dispersal mechanisms, large populations and high genetic diversity are less likely to be at risk of extinction in a changing climate.
Impacts of Sea Level Rise:
Increased mortality
Increased isolation, particularly Keys/barrier island species
Decreased genetic diversity – due to habitat fragmentation/population isolation
Impacts of Salinity Shifts:
Decreased reproductive success in some fish
Decreased survival rates, increased larval period and decreased size at metamorphosis in frogs due to lower pH
Increased mortality
Increased isolation
Impacts of Warmer Temperatures:
Increased prevalence of disease and parasites
Altered composition of parasite community
Increased fish kills due to less dissolved oxygen
Increased mortality
Increased pathogen and vector survival and disease transmission rates
Local extirpations of species at the southern extent of their range
Increased growth rates of fish (potentially beneficial change)
Loss of Alosine (shad) due to mortality and reduced reproductive success
Impacts of Increased Cold Events:
Reduced fitness, recruitment, and competitive ability
Increased mortality
Reduced reproductive success due to delayed timing of reproduction
Increased mortality for cold temperature sensitive species
Increased occurrence and severity of cold kill events
Impacts of Decreased Precipitation:
Increased avian mortality due to water loss
Decreased reproductive success of amphibians
Reduced reproductive success in birds due to decreased availability of arthropods
Reduced fitness of freshwater species in tidal creeks due to increased salinity
Increased mortality of fish and other aquatic species
Decreased survival of amphibians in ephemeral ponds
Increased isolation – lower genetic diversity
Impacts of Increased Precipitation:
Increased mortality of amphibians
Reproductive failure for ground-nesting birds due to flooding
Decreased reproductive success of amphibians
Increased mortality of larval stages of nearshore fish and invertebrate – decreased salinity
Decreased survival and fitness of sensitive aquatic species due to increased flow of pollutants
Altered recruitment success of inshore species due to fluctuations in salinity levels in nursery areas
Reduced food source for aquatic species due to displacement of stored organic carbon
Impacts of Changes in Timing of Precipitation:
Decreased survival/reproductive success of amphibians and invertebrates in ephemeral wetlands
Decreased reproductive success of fish due to lack of connectivity to spawning grounds as timing of flood events change
Increased mortality of larval stages of fish and invertebrates due to increased salinity as water chemistry in bays and estuaries change
Impacts of Changes in Frequency and Severity of Extreme Events:
Increased mortality
Reduced reproductive success and recruitment
Increased stress due to reduction of food or cover
Increased stress due to injury
Disruption of life cycle events, e.g., migration, breeding
Impacts of Altered Water Chemistry:
Increased stress
Increased mortality
Increased disease, pathogens, parasites
Reduced reproductive success
Increased mortality (events) in corals and shell-forming organisms
Decreased growth due to reallocation of resources to maintain calcification